Impact of the short-circuit in DC traction network on burned through the contact wires


  • П. Є. Михаліченко



electric traction system, electric locomotive, electric traction motor, mathematical model, short circuit, excitation winding, quantity of electricity, magnetic flux, transient, transient current


Study of emergency short circuit in the system of electronic electric traction and DC relevant today. For this regime is characterized by a leak overcurrents and therefore it is very dangerous for such a powerful system. The aim of the work is the determination of the conditions and mechanism of occurrence of the generator current, and as a consequence of the development of the means of reducing their impact on the flow of accidention process. It is Important to assess the value and duration of the generator of the currents in a variety of modes of electric rolling stock permanent strength of the current. This especially concerns the mode of the weakening of the field, because in shunting branches of the field there is an inductive element. This element is able to accumulate a large amount of electromagnetic energy. During the transition process of this energy is released through the point of a short circuit. This increases the heating elements of the contact network. Study of the short circuit in traction network in the presence of electric locomotives on the feeder zone was performed mathematical modeling. For this scheme was set up replacement of the system and for it is written system of equations of the electromagnetic with standing. The simulation results have shown that in the case of a train when attenuation of excitation of the amount of electricity and heat, which flow through the point of the short-circuit not only heats the contact wire, but may even cause it to mechanical destruction. To prevent this, it is necessary to reduce the influence of inductive element shunting branches. For realization of this equipment offered to the use of barrier diode in this branch. This tool allows you to reduce to the duration and the maximum value of the generator current, which allocates the electric locomotive of direct current. Thus, the reduced damage the contact network.


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Power Supply