Influence of resonances in the contact network on the permissible parameters of interference


  • А. Бялонь Instytut Kolejnictwa, 50 Chlopickiego Str., 04-275 Warsaw, Poland, Poland
  • Д. Адамски
  • Ю. Фурман



contact network, electromagnetic interference, resonance, impedance, model


    When assessing levels of traction interference in rail circuits must be taken into account not only interference caused by DC component of traction current, but caused by its variable component. The AC component began to play a more important role in the implementation of the electric pulse controlling the power and speed of the train. The noise level in the system of traction substation–electric–traction substation depends primarily on the specific parameters of a contact network and its configuration parameters of traction substation and electric locomotive. Locomotive and traction sub-station are interference sources, and their level depends on the distance between them. In certain situations, the organization of rail traffic, at certain distance the deposits between the traction substation and electric locomotive, as well as at a mutual location, electric locomotive can increase the level of interference. This is due to the existence of resonances in the contact network.


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Electromagnetic Compatibility