Optimization of the modes of traction power consumption and energy recuperation in systems of electric transport


  • О. І. Саблін Dnipropetrovsk national University of railway transport named after academician V. Lazaryan, 49010, Dnepropetrovsk, M., Lazaryan str., 2, tel (056) 793-19-11, Ukraine




recovery, traction electricity consumption, excess capacity, loss of energy, drives, inverters, traction and power supply, fuzzy control


Development of effective measures to enhance the effectiveness of the modes of traction power consumption and energy recovery in the system of electric traction is an important element in reducing the energy intensity of electric transport systems and the cost of transportation that is relevant in the context of soaring energy prices. One of the most effective measures in this direction is the partial or complete separation in time of the processes of consumption and energy recovery of electric vehicles, what allows to reduce losses in the elements of systems of traction and external electric supply and can be implemented using stationary or onboard energy storage. High values of this event requires us to find less costly methods to increase efficiency of the modes of traction power consumption and energy recovery electro transport and develop approaches to reduce the installed capacity of disk drives by increasing utilization at the expense of optimum control of modes of energy exchange between them, traction and power supply networks.


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Power Supply