Operating statistics high-voltage anadromous insulators


  • Д. Г. Карюк Limited Liability Company «Slavenergoprom», Ukraine




polymeric insulator, maintenance, breakdown, thermo elastic properties, destruction


Security of supply of electricity of consumers depends on the reliable operation of electrical equipment including insulating construction.  The question of replacing the bushings insulators in the power system of Ukraine recently strictly appeared, because of output of this type of products.  Nowadays replacement is possible into new porcelain bushings insulators or their analogues. In connection with the intensive development of polymeric materials and technologies to process them, naturally became a question of implementation of the achievements of the polymer industry in the development of the bushing insulators 10-35 kV. This article describes the operating experience of porcelain bushings in service, and groups controlled porcelain and polymer insulators installed in 2010. The basic advantages and disadvantages of porcelain and polymeric high voltage bushings have been described. Perspectives of development of bushings made from polymeric materials have been identified.


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Power Supply