Methodological bases of choice economically аnd expedient facilities of defence of asynchronous engines, working in the conditions of off-grade electric power


  • В. В. Кузнецов National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine



asynchronous engine, indicators of electric power quality, electromagnetic and thermal constituents of economic damage


The article discusses the methodology of study is technically possible measures to improve the technical and economic parameters of the induction motor when it is operating in conditions of poor-quality electricity. The calculated algorithms to assess the electromagnetic and thermal components formed during this economic loss. Performed validation of the proposed method on a concrete example. Analysis of the data indicates a significant amount of the annual damage caused by the operation of blood pressure without the use of protective equipment. It is almost three times the cost of the engine. The latter is comparable to the cost of annual damages for each component separately. The use of active filters, the price of which is comparable with the value of frequency converters, is most costly, even though the latter have a further significant advantage over filters. Despite it's payback time the first option is acceptable. Group methods of correction of the SCE, although they have a greater total cost of PKU and baluns compared with the means of indi-term protection in the form of LC - filter, provide the lowest payback period. In this case, they are economically preferred, although other operating conditions of the engine under consideration, or for other types and capacities BP may be preferred and other embodiments. The proposed method of choice of means of protection of the motor, operating under conditions of poor-quality electricity, which is a computational algorithm is implemented on the basis of the electromagnetic and thermal model of AD to determine economically viable option for their technically feasible solutions. It can be used as an instrument of service energy management of an industrial enterprise.

Author Biography

В. В. Кузнецов, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

The department of electrical engineering


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Electromagnetic Compatibility