Using CFD-method to determine the aerodynamic forces pantograph and aerodynamic devices


  • О. А. Сидоров
  • А. Н. Смердин
  • А. Е. Чепурко



CFD-method, the turbulence model, the aerodynamic forces, the wing profile, the system of the Navier-Stokes differential equations, the spectra of the flow


Contact pressure in the interaction with the pantograph catenary is not constant. One of its components is destabilizing aerodynamic lift trolley. Therefore, to ensure reliable and efficient current collection is necessary to calculate the rational aerodynamic force collector, in which the wear items will be minimal contact with reliable contact.

Conducting tests of linear pantograph requires high material costs, as well as its blowing in the wind tunnel. Currently, however, due to the wide computerization methods are used computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In rail transport, these methods can be used to calculate the drag of the locomotive, to simulate the effects of wind on the catenary, etc. The authors of CFD-method was used to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of the pantograph.

The object of study is the method of application of CFD-analysis to calculate the aerodynamic forces acting on a current collector for high-speed motion.

In this paper the authors study the features of CFD-modeling method for aerodynamic effects on the current collector and selected airfoil for its use in the aerodynamic device.


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