Emergency processes on the first control zone of voltage converter at AC electric locomotive and providing its operability
AC electric locomotive, traction motor, thyristor converter, rectifier, thyristor shoulders, control algorithm, control impulses, emergency processes, rectified current, coefficient of relative pulsation, power factorAbstract
The article examines the processes of emergency thyristor converter (rectifier) AC electric traction mode on the first control zone rectified voltage strength resulting from crossing the control pulses on the shoulders of the rectifier because of failure of the electronic components output amplifiers pulse shaping system PSS. Proposed technical solutions to eliminate the negative impact of the NIJ - disturbance thyristor converter to work tiveness electric . The mathematical modeling of emergency processes of the rectifier with a nominal ( typical ) and the proposed algorithms management converter. Chart shows the disturbance in a typical rectifier and the proposed control algorithms on a mathematical model and experimental tests on a plot of electric VL80R Tataurovo - East Siberian Boyarsky of railways. The quantitative and qualitative results of simulation and experiment.References
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