Comparative analysis of high-voltage converters prospective DC electric locomotives


  • Г. С. Зиновьев
  • А. В. Роженцева
  • А. С. Суслова



bi-directional DC-DC converter, HF intermediate, advanced electric, multi-channel converter system


In this paper we compared the bidirectional DC-DC step-down converters promising high DC electric. Defined parameters and the required number of active elements  (transistors), the specific energy capacitors installed , move the external characteristics and efficiency converters.

Compared two types of DC-DC converters built using single-phase and single-phase half-bridge bridge circuits of cells in a multichannel system with an intermediate transformer link AC high frequency , providing galvanic isolation of input and output circuits , also made a comparison of the proposed DC-DC converters with AC-DC converter (General Settings), built on the same principle . Also considering the possibility of bidirectional transformerless DC-DC buck converter with tape circuit with common rail input and output. Comparison based on the results of the simulation program converters PSIM.


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Electric Rolling Stock