Investigation methods of diagnosing interturn insulation in the windings of traction dry trans-formers


  • В. М. Ляшук
  • І. В. Дем’янюк



non-destructive testing, diagnosis, transformers insulation quality, inductive sensors, audio frequency generator, resonance voltage


Assessment of the actual electrical power as a result Diagnostics is currently difficult and urgent task. He made much of his life, but continues to operate because of lack of funds for its replacement. Accordingly, every year rising costs of comprehensive examinations and diagnosis. The main causes of outages related to the internal circuit is lack of stability in the short-circuit windings and internal insulation breakdown.

The article deals with methods of non-destructive testing of inter winding insulation oil-less traction transformers. It was considered research system based on single and differential inductive sensor inductive sensor.

To prevent an emergency situation involving a serious injury transformer windings, it is desirable to determine a violation of winding insulating properties. This is done by analyzing information obtained from inductive sensors with rectangular voltage is applied to the winding of the transformer.


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Automation and Diagnose