Principles of modeling of thermal modes of the transformer
power transformer, loss of energy, winding, core, heat, lifetime, thermal process, field, damage, defect, identification, model, mathematical, thermohydraulic, interactiveAbstract
Discusses the principles of modeling of thermal modes of the power transformer. The principle of constructing a model of power transformer oil is presented as a mathematical model of a complex nonlinear thermal-hydraulic system. The model includes a description of the detailed structure and geometry of all three phases which include a magnetic circuit and winding performance and provides reliable integral main characteristics of heat, the temperature on the selected surfaces.
Using the software package Comsol Multiphysics model variants created transformer defects and those without . A transformer presents a rectangular tank filled with insulating oil and it is positioned within the windings and the core. Additionally created around the tank area filled with air. Defects are defined as additional sources of heat. The calculations of this package is the finite element method
Modeling of thermal processes transformer equipment allows you to set a high probability for faults at an early stage of development of a defect that allows escape from the scheduled repairs , get the savings from reduced operating costs and reduce losses to a minimum of equipment failure.References
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