Voltage quality on traction load buses of DC substations





voltage quality, direct current, traction load, substation, statistic, distribution law


Voltage is one of the parameters of the traction power grid mode, and affects the energy performance of its functioning. Characteristics of electricity transmission networks are pulling for a change of the consumers and change their operation modes, restrictions imposed by train each other depending on their relative position, as well as limitations due to ensuring the transportation process. Voltage level at the traction substation buses and hence on the current collectors locomotives, depends not only on changes in traction load, but also from changes in load and foreign consumers district energy system, while the nature of factors that affect the voltage is nonlinear and non-stationary. At the same voltage level as an indicator of the quality of the functioning of the traction power supply system must be regarded as a parameter, which optimizes the transmission and consumption of electricity for electric rolling stock. In this regard, the regulation voltage in traction network has always been one of the most important practical tasks. To answer how to manage stress regime in the traction power supply system can be divided into three groups: local, zonal control and centralized management. Their use is intended to achieve the overall optimum. The development of modern computing technology provides the possibility of recording the parameters modes networks with more accurate and high-speed devices, and also used for data processing and rapid means of modern microprocessor and computer technology. This allows spanning more productively use the results to adjust the parameters of their operation modes. When running on energy saving measures today questions of optimal control mode voltage are of particular relevance. For optimum operation control traction networks necessary to perform analysis of their functioning in real time. One component of this process is an assessment of the law of distribution bus voltage traction substation, as one of the main parameters of the regime.


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Electromagnetic Compatibility