Analysis of the influence of the degree of charge capacities of reactive power compensator on the characteristics of electricity consumers
reactive power compensation, simulation, electronic systems, capacitors chargeAbstract
This paper addresses the problem of reactive power compensation. To determine the factors that affect the reactive power compensator, and for clarity the results study the method of computer simulation of electronic systems. The purpose of this study is to clarify how the value of the initial charge compensating capacitances affect the characteristics of electricity consumers, particularly in the form of voltage and current. Were considered three-phase electronic system comprising an adjustable reactive power compensator. The analysis of the compensation of reactive power held by application package Simulink Matlab. The analysis of the impact of the compensation device to shape current and voltage in the load, provided that before switching to the system, compensating capacitance is fully discharged and the two previous versions of the charge volume. According to the simulation of electronic systems with variable reactive power compensator concluded that may cause significant distortions form the load voltage and current consumption when using the classical scheme of the compensators.References
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