The application of parametric failure model of the contact systems elements for predicting their life cycle
current collection system, life cycle, a parametric model, the failure rate, the contact network, the contract life cycle service lifeAbstract
The life cycle of overhead catenary, like any other complex technical system depends on the reliability of its constituent parts. Premature failure of one element of a contact network failure may result in the suspension as a whole. The introduction of improved parts and components, as well as the use of more reliable and durable elements of overhead catenary, of course, increases the life cycle of the entire facility. However, the transition to the development of high-speed railways projects, it is necessary to take into account the stresses arising , which cannot withstand even the newest equipment. The paper shows the basic mathematical calculations, allowing to predict the life cycle of the product contact network based on a parametric model of failure, taking into account the stresses arising.References
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