Parametric synthesis of the system of parallel capacitive compensating devices in traction network in modern conditions


  • В. Д. Бардушко



loss of power, traction network, modern means of information transmission, the law of regulation


The best results to improve energy efficiency of AC railroads are capacitance compensation devices that can be controlled in the presence of compensating devices directly to each locomotive.

New technologies lead to new cheap and reliable capacitors, compensating devices can be made distributed along zone between traction substations. Each separate battery such distributed compensation can be controlled on the basis of law that continuously generated during real time. View of the control law is determined by the coordinates of electric rolling stock which ranging in zone between substations and reactive currents.

The article discusses the issue of potential opportunities to improve the efficiency of the transverse capacitive compensation on the basis of their regulation, depending on the placement of the electric rolling stock and its inductive energy consumption.


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Power Supply