Construction of mathematical models of the wear of the elements of contact pairs of current collection devices
wear, contact pair, mathematical model, current collection device, electric sliding contactAbstract
Create a high-speed electric vehicles is one way of raising the capacity of the freight and rail lines. To ensure smooth operation of electric rolling stock necessary to create a new generation of devices, current collection, which must meet the requirements of reliable and high quality power transmission and differ from existing long-life battery.
In this regard, the design of current collection devices must be considered the possible parameters of their operation and the factors that influence the quality of current collection. Of the contact pair of current collection device transmits rolling stock traction current, which causes deterioration of its enhanced electromechanical components. One factor that significantly accelerates the process of wear elements of the contact pair is the thermal effect of the electric current.
The object of the study are the elements of contact pairs current collection devices (contact inserts), intended for use on high-speed railway lines.
The article discusses the construction of a mathematical model of electromechanical components wear contact pairs, taking into account factors specific to their operating conditions.References
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