Cooperation of electric locomotives of direct- current 2EC6 and 2EC10 with a contact network on the lvov ferrous road at operating tests


  • М. О. Бабяк



electric locomotive, DC, contact network, pantograph, tests.


Descriptions of electric locomotives of Vl10 and Vl11m are in-process analyzed, which are exploited on the Lvov ferrous road. The estimation of charts of forming of trains is given with these electric locomotives in a head and tail of train on the mountain pass of Carpathians depending on his weight. The prospect of replace-ment of old electric locomotives modern Russian mobile composition of the third generation is considered 2ǭǹ6 and 2ǭǹ10. A remark to co-operation of electric locomotives is resulted 2ǭǹ6 and 2ǭǹ10 with a contact network on the area of Lions – Mukachevo – Chop during operating tests on the Lvov ferrous road. Formed recommen dation in relation to the removal of failings during exploitation of new pantographs and power chart of electric locomotives on flat and mountain areas in the modes of traction and braking.


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Electric Rolling Stock