The spectral correlation theory application of random processes for estimation of power losses involving higher harmonic and intergarmonic




nonsinusoidality, interharmonics, additional losses, amplitude modulation, spectral-correlation theory, surface effect


One of the negative consequences of non-sinusoidal regimes is the occurrence of additional power losses in the elements of electrical networks. Traditionally, in this case, additional losses caused by higher harmonics of the current are determined. A significant spectrum of interharmonics appears along with higher harmonics in the currents in case of a number of rapid varying loads, as well as loads receiving power from frequency converters.

Thus, the problem of estimating the additional power losses at the frequencies of the interharmonics arises. Today, the estimating the additional power losses associated with the generation of interharmonics is insufficient studied due to the complexity of the mathematical apparatus that take into account the presence of interharmonics.

The researches conducted have shown that application of the spectrally-correlation theory of random processes allows solving the engineering problem of estimating additional power losses in power supply systems. The advantage of this approach is the possibility of estimating additional power losses both at the operational stage and at the design stage.

Author Biographies

Ю. Л. Саенко, ГВУЗ «Приазовский государственный технический университет»

Кафедра Электрификации промышленных предприятий

Т. К. Бараненко, ГВУЗ «Приазовский государственный технический университет»

Кафедра Электрификации промышленных предприятий

И. Ю. Саенко, ГВУЗ «Приазовский государственный технический университет»

Кафедра Электрификации промышленных предприятий


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Energy Saving