Changing the electrical parameters of underground steel pipelines under the influence of high voltage components of cathodic protection stations




cathodic protection station. underground metal pipeline, electrochemical corrosion, the longitudinal resistance, the phase of the longitudinal resistance


Pipeline transport is the most effective for transporting large volumes of natural gas. Electrochemical corrosion is one of the key factors destroying the integrity of underground of the metal pipelines. The corrosion process counteracts cathodic protection system. The purpose and objective of the article is to analyze the processes of change of electrical parameters of the underground metal pipelines, which is under the influence of part of high-frequency voltage  of cathodic protection stations (CPS).

Improving the quality of protection provided by an underground pipeline, using the СPS with the new circuit solutions. These CPS units contain high-frequency signal conversion. Electrical parameters of the system may vary depending on the frequency of the signal at its input. The methodology, which is used in the analysis process, is the mathematical analysis of parametric dependencies with graphic illustrations. The main material of the article contains the analysis of mathematical expressions that describe the impact of high-frequency component of the output voltage CPS on the pipeline.

The results of analysis of influence of the frequency of the output voltage CPS of underground metal pipelines on the electrical parameters of the system "CPS - underground pipeline - soil - railway track" indicate the possibility of building a new approach to the formation of protective potential by taking into account changes in the values of inductance, the propagation constant. Scientific novelty consists in the justification opportunity, by selecting the appropriate frequency of the output signal CPS, make such the parameters of equivalent circuit of underground metal pipelines, which the provide the minimum currents. The practical significance is to provide a dependency the parameters of electrotechnical systems from the signal frequency. This allows you to calculate the elements of the CPS.

High-frequency signals at the output of cathodic protection stations cause changes in electrical parameters that affect the process of forming the protective capacity at an underground metal pipelines.


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Electromagnetic Compatibility