Methodology of improving the quality the system of maintenance and repair the electrical equipment of traction substation
electricity, traction power supply system, traction substation, the technical condition of equipment, M and R, expert information, fuzzy sets, linguistic variablesAbstract
Development of methods to improve the quality of M and R main electrical TS operating in conditions of uncertainty on the basis of expert information. To solve this problem have been used basic tenets of the theory of fuzzy sets and linguistic variable. Assessment of the quality of M and R TS carried out by the example of the power of service TDTN - 25000 / 150-70 U1 TA DC. Analysis of the existing diversity of approaches development of modern methods of improving the system of M and R, allows you to conclude a solution to improve the quality of the system is achieved by solving individual problems increase reliability of electric power transformer substation in the following main interrelated areas: technical, economic and organizational. To solve the problem of improving the quality of M and R TS made a promising direction for applications, the initial information is an expert using a linguistic approach based on the theory of fuzzy sets and linguistic variable. It determines the relative importance of the indicators towards improving the quality of service TDTN-25000 / 150-70 U1 TA DC. The technique of definition of alternatives to improve the quality of service of the power transformer TDTN-25000 / 150-70 U1 TA, given the relative importance of the areas of M and R to elect the best option to improve the quality of the system. The article has been further development of the method of a systematic approach to improve the quality of the system M and R power electric traction substation in the face of uncertainty on the basis of expert information with regard to the importance of indicators. This method allows for an expert assessment of the service system and to predict and select the best option to improve the quality of M and R power electric transformer substations taking into account not only technical but also organizational - legal, financial and economic activities. Formation of the electrified railways of Ukraine quality management system M and R TS will improve the efficiency and quality of maintenance of electric power transformer substation, and to prevent the occurrence or reduce the severity of possible equipment failures.
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