Alternative heating laboratories the higher education institution




electric academic laboratories, the heat balance equation facilities, ventilation, power infrared heater, electric heating benefits


Heating is an important factor in ensuring the right microclimate in any room, including educational laboratories university. Microclimate has a significant impact on the productivity of students, teachers and technicians. The main factor is the microclimate temperature in the room. This paper studies to obtain baseline data required to replace traditional water heating in the laboratory for electric. This should be supported by a given temperature. The method of ventilation facilities, types of electric heaters, volume of incoming and exhaust air, at which temperature the laboratory will S according to your requirements.°provide 18 Electric space heating is more convenient to use, more comfortable and cheaper cost compared to the water systems in which heat is produced by burning fuel in boilers. To achieve goals and meet the challenges of the heat balance equation composed laboratory facilities, to which fulfilled the necessary research. The article offers educational laboratory electric system as an alternative to the existing centralized water heating using gas in the central boiler house in the cold and transitional seasons. As heating devices offers modern infrared heaters. Heat balance equation takes into account the parameters of a real educational laboratory. It is proposed to equip a laboratory mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system. Scientific novelty of the proposed method of determining the amount (weight) of the supply and exhaust air for a given temperature in the laboratory study using electric heaters. The practical significance lies in the fact that the use of electric heating allows to improve the microclimate in the laboratory operating costs. Past studies can determine the initial parameters for automation of electric heating systems laboratories in order to maintain the desired temperature. It is recommended as an alternative to electric heating radiator-water.


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Energy Saving