Estimation of the quality of implementation electric rolling stock maintenance system




electric rolling stock, repair system, mathematical modeling, principal component analysis, hierarchy analysis


The aim of the article is to develop methods for quantify the qualitative changes in the electric rolling stock maintenance system. To quantify the qualitative changes in the system of maintenance and repair of an electric rolling stock is proposed to use the index of the maintenance system implementation. This indicator is constructed on the basis of statistical information on the actual implementation of the repairs locomotives program. In the first step using principal component analysis held original data reduction. At the second stage, the principal components combined by the hierarchy analysis method into a single generalized index – the index of the maintenance system implementation. A result of work the index of the locomotives maintenance system implementation is built. The interrelation of the index and the average percentage of the plan repairs is shown. A new approach to the estimation of the locomotives maintenance system parameters is proposed. A quantitative expression of qualitative changes in the system of maintenance and repair is obtained. Using the index of the maintenance system implementation possible to determine the quality of maintenance and repair of an electric rolling stock, as well as to make operational decisions for regulation and the correction of locomotives maintenance system.


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Electric Rolling Stock