Studying of the breaking capacity of switching equipment of traction substation upon accession solar power station




solar power, electrified railways, traction substations, high-voltage switches, thermal stability, dynamic stability, short circuit currents


The breaking capacity of switch of traction substation upon accession solar power station will be studied. The existing switches will be checked for thermal and dynamic stability. Basic equations of stability switches were used for solving this problem. Estimation of the equipment breaking capacity was done like a result of the analyze of the calculation of short-circuit currents. As a result of the research, calculating and analyze of the thermal and dynamic stability of switches were done. Conclusions as compared of switches and the maximum power of the accession solar power station were received. The studying of the breaking capacity of switches of traction substations upon accession solar power station to the busline 10, 35, 110 and 27.5 kV of the traction substation was done for the first time.


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Power Supply