Construction features of ac contact network for driving speeds 160-200 km/h for the railways in Ukraine




high speed traffic, contact line, mounting bracket, anchor portion, suspension cable, contact wire


This article describes construction features of AC contact network for driving speeds 160-200 km/h for the railways in Ukraine in the article. The significant part of the electrified railways in Ukraine requires updating a contact network. There was developed a draft of AC contact network for high-speed driving in DNDC UR (KM 200 25). Research results showed its main technical characteristics and design parameters. The foreign regulatory documents, international experience of design and operation for similar contact networks were used. The main structural differences between KM 200 25 and the traditional hangers are the increased tension of the suspension cable and the contact wire, the using conductive dimensional strings, which are adjustable in length and the compensated separate anchorage. The construction of isolated horizontal mounting brackets with suspension cable in a special twist clamp was developed. The individual components and spare parts KM-200-25 can be successfully used in the reconstruction of railway sections with speeds up to 160 km / h.


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