Rationale trains on the direction on the agreed schedule


  • О. Ю. Папахов Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
  • Н. О. Логвінова Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine




index, timetable, train, mass, park of locomotives


Great importance for the improvement of the transportation process in railway transport has established in all its divisions, which provide the organization of trains on schedule. Timetable establish a work plan all of rail transportation, involving the movement of trains, which include: maintenance work, providing traction locomotives and locomotive crews, osmotrschikov cars, with the reliability of the infrastructure of railway lines and signaling systems, power supply sections, the length of the guaranteed portions of following cars and locomotives between technical stations.

The purpose of research of technology of organization of motion of freight trains on the concerted time-tables is upgrading of a transport service of customers, acceleration of delivery of loads, improvement of indexes of the use of mobile composition. The basic task of research is an analysis of actual chart of motion of freight trains on railway direction of Yasinovataya – Apostolovo is Odessa, his deviation from normative and influence on the indexes of the use of mobile composition of railway. A research object is a process of admission of trains on railway direction of Yasinovataya – Apostolovo is Odessa on the concerted curricula of train table.

Methodical basis of implementation of complex researches is: analysis and generalization of literary sources and positive experience of admission of freight trains to railway direction of Yasinovataya – Apostolovo is Odessa; methods of statistical, cost, analytical and expert estimation of information in relation to the state of admission of freight trains to direction in operative terms.

Research results is: analysis of data of rejection in the operative terms of actual time of motion of trains on railway direction of Yasinovataya – Apostolovo is Odessa from normative values and exposure of factors which created this rejection. The scientific novelty of research is approach of the systems in determination of the use of chart of motion of freight trains on railway direction of YasinovatayaApostolovo is Odessa.

The conducted analysis of implementation of train tables on railway direction allows to conduct the estimation of actual rejection of time of motion of trains in a normative chart and pawn these indexes at development of train table on the concerted time-tables.


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