Development the models of electric machines for traction electric drive of the transport vehicles including eddy currents


  • М. В. Хворост National University of Urban Economy, Ukraine
  • К. О. Сорока National University of Urban Economy, Ukraine
  • М. І. Шпіка National University of Urban Economy, Ukraine
  • А. І. Бесараб National University of Urban Economy, Ukraine



traction electric drive, model, MatLab, Simulink, DC electric machine, magnetic flux linkage, torque, eddy current


Considered questions of modeling the traction motors by using Simulink. Showed the transition procedure from mathematical equations, which describe the model, to the imitation model in Matlab system, that will allow to build any characteristics only at the development stage.

Offered the models of DC electric machines with series field excitation and compound field excitation, the feature of which is account of real magnetization curves. Received model of electric motor can be use to carry out an optimization of the work modes of traction electric drive from the energy-saving point of view, because that model accounts a parameters on which a control system can influence.

Developed model of DC electric machines with compound field excitation with accounting a non-linear dependence magnetic flux and with column’s eddy currents including allows to evaluate an auxiliary loses level in magnetic system of electric machine.


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