The choice of rational parameters of the traction electric rolling stock


  • С. В. Арпуль Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, Ukraine



speed rated mode, accelerating power unit rated power of the main specific resistance movement, the power density of the electric locomotive


The results of the determination of rational parameters of the nominal mode of the electric rolling stock for driving passenger trains at specified their trains and technical speed.

In the paper indicated that for upgrading the fleet of locomotives requires solving two separate problems: the definition of rational values of the main external parameters of the locomotive to drive trains in a specific direction at a given their trains and technical speed; determining an optimal gradation power electric locomotives for passenger traffic on the specified polygon thrust.

In this paper we present the results regarding the choice of rational parameters of electric locomotives. Established criteria that determine the optimal values of parameters of electric locomotives for passenger traffic. It is established that the nominal power of the locomotive when the regulated value of the starting acceleration characteristics of the longitudinal profile of the railway track, a known type of traction drive and installed trains train, is uniquely determined by the value of the starting speed, so the problem of determining the optimal parameters of the nominal mode of passenger locomotive is reduced to the determination of the optimal values of the starting speed. The paper contains recommendations on the choice of parameters in the nominal mode for passenger locomotives with asynchronous drive.


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Electric Rolling Stock