Application of modeling and simulation techniques as methods for feasibility studies and design in electric traction systems
electric traction, system, decomposition, modeling, routines, characteristic, time tableAbstract
The paper presents different aspects and approaches towards application modeling and simulation techniques. It is discussed the different approaches to the modeling of the traction power supply systems. ETS model has presented like a modular structure, and ETS as a complex system can be described by a finite number of subsystems. In this paper, the adopted methodology is considered to be a set of mutually dependent subsystems that simplifies the process of formulation, modification and computer implementation of models. The presented in the paper formal models have been applied in a form of software and implemented for simulation analysis of different 3 kV DC railway systems with a variety of traffic: suburban, mixed passenger and freight, freight, intercity to asses power demand and energy delivery adequacy of the designed power supply system during different feasibility studies. Some exemplary results of application of the derived methods are presented in the paper, showing opportunity for research and design in electric traction created by application of modeling and simulation techniques.References
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