The influence of traction loads on the power supply systems


  • Р. Павелек
  • Ю. Л. Саенко



traction load, power quality, current, voltage, higher harmonics


Electric traction is typical consumer who creates obstacles in the power supply in the form of distortion of currents and voltages. The paper presents the analysis of the results of measurements of higher harmonics of current and voltage performed on tires 110 kV and 15 kV distribution substation. A study of the distribution networks of higher harmonics between 15 and 110 kV, after executing it can be concluded that the distortion of the voltage 15 kV traction caused by stress, specifically higher harmonics characteristic of 12-pulse converters. In turn, the network 110 kV voltage and currents have identical composition of higher harmonics, which indicates the distortion associated with consumers beyond the investigated stations. The validity of these findings and discusses the schedule comparison of higher harmonics of current and voltage on both sides of the transformer 110/15 kV, which displayed the dominance of higher harmonics particular order, depending on the factors affecting the current and voltage.


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Power Supply