Method of assessing the quality of tempering of the glass parts of the high voltage line insulators


  • Е. Д. Ким High Voltage Research Institute, Ukraine



glass insulator, toughened glass element, methods of measuring of residual tension, impact strength, tensile strength, statistical correlation, normal distribution


Glass insulators, that due to unique properties «self to identify» in the case of damage of dielectric, but here to save mechanical strength of construction, got the most application in the air high-voltage lines. High operating reliability in combination with the effect of self-control is caused by hardening of glass element in the process of its making. At the same time control of quality of glass element is limited to visual examination of superficial layer of glass for the purpose the presence of different sort of defects. The known methods of determination of residual tensions in local points or optical methods are ineffective in the conditions of mass production.

The quantitative method of estimation of quality of tempering of glass element, based on the statistical analysis of strength characteristics of details and eventual products - insulators is offered. It is shown that between stability of glass element to impact influences and mechanical strength of insulators there is statistical correlation which can be expressed on the basis of normal distribution of the random variables. It is recommended to normalize the impact strength of glass element and the test method in the relevant standard specifications for the constituent elements of the insulator to include.


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