Method of calculation the instantaneous schemes of electric traction system for constant power consumption




power supply system, electric traction, instantaneous scheme, balance, distribution, constant power, function of resistance, voltage modes


Electrical calculations of traction power supply systems usually perform with the assumption that power of the electric rolling stock is determined only by the value of the current at nominal voltage. The using a new electric rolling stock with control system which able to maintain a constant power and its operation together with the existing results in the mismatch of the voltage mode in the traction network due to the simplifications that made in the calculation of the parameters of the traction power supply system when it was engineered.

Conducted researches have shown that the replacement of traction load by an ideal current source makes a significant error in the calculation of the currents of the feeders, the voltages on the pantographs and the power loss in the traction network. By determining the balance and the power distribution for the different schemes analytically were determined the functions of resistance that physically determines the resistance change depends on the moving traction load.

The obtained functions of resistance allow us to formulate a method of calculation the instantaneous schemes of electric traction system for constant power consumption of the electric rolling stock with the fixed power value and the actual voltage value on the pantograph.

The possibility of the direct electrical calculation using the above mentioned methods and the obtained analytical expressions of the resistance functions might simplify the further optimization the working modes of the traction power supply systems.

Author Biography

Д. О. Босий, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

Department of Power supply of Railways


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Power Supply