Electric rail traction in Czech Republic and level of effectiveness and energy saving measures


  • H. Seelmann Brno University of Technology, Czechia




electric traction, effectiveness, energy saving


Czech Railways currently operate 163 two-system locomotives for 3 kV DC and 25 kV AC/50Hz, 16 two-system locomotives for 3 kV DC and 15 kV AC/16.7Hz, 20 locomotives and 14 units for three-systems (3 kV DC, 25 kV AC/50Hz, 15 kV AC/16.7Hz. Furthermore, some multi-system locomotives from Austria and Slovakia are running with international trains also in Czech Republic.

Regenerative braking and recovery of electricity in the electric railway network in Czech Republic is usual, but often in a limited form. Reasons are relatively small amount of electric locomotives and units capable for regenerative braking, restrictions on the maximum voltage in DC power supply system and restrictions because of requirements for the regulation of the overall network in AC power supply system.

With automatic train leading local trains can achieve savings of 7-9% of traction energy. Currently, about 350 km of tracks and about 250 locomotives and units are completely equipped with this system.

Optimized Energy Consumption in Tram and Trolley Bus Network is a project of Brno Public Transport Company. This measure aims to reduce the peak usage of energy for trams and trolley buses in order to limit the contracted reserve capacity and the related costs.

Author Biography

H. Seelmann, Brno University of Technology

Institute of Railway Constructions and Structures


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CIVITAS ELAN project in Brno. Optimised En-ergy Consumption in Tram and Trolleybus Network. Internet http://www.civitas.brno.cz/

Ročenka dopravy České republiky 2012 – Transport Yearbook Czech Republic 2012. Ministerstvo dopravy – Ministry of Transport. Praha, 2013.

SPŽ – Stránky přátel železnic [Railway Fans Pages]. Statistiky vozidel železničních společností – České drahy / ČD Cargo [Statistics on vehicles of Railway companies – Czech railways / ČD Cargo]. In-ternet http://spz.logout.cz/stat/stat.html

SŽDC. The Network Statement on nationwide and regional rail systems. SŽDC [Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organization]. Praha, 2012.

SŽDC. Prohlášení o dráze celostátní a regionální [The Network Statement on nationwide and regional rail systems]. SŽDC [Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organization]. Praha, 2013.

SŽDC – Správa železniční dopravní cesty [Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organization]. Internet http://www.szdc.cz/

VUZ – Výzkumný Ústav Železniční [Railway Research Institute]. Internet http://www.cdvuz.cz/

Wikimedia Commons. Map of public transport in the Czech Republic.






Energy Saving