A scheme of traction power EMU-train with the possibility of recovery


  • Д. О. Кулагін Zaporizhzhya national technical University, Ukraine
  • П. Д. Андрієнко Zaporizhzhya national technical University, Ukraine




diesel train, recuperation, traction transmission, power efficiency, design, condenser installation


This article discusses the construction and analysis of perspective schemes of traction power diesel trains for the purpose of recuperation. A practical scheme of traction power transmission considered by the example of promising schemes diesel train DEL-02. Was considered the typical traction transmission, which includes diesel, which is a primary source of energy, synchronous generator, traction inverter, Converter own needs, traction motor, Converter device for implementation of the process of charge-discharge cumulative element management system. The store of energy in Association with the inverter system, which gives the robot should in combination with the basic elements of traction power to provide these requirements to the transmission of a train in all modes of operation: idle thrust with simultaneous transfer of energy from the link diesel synchronous generator and link the drive power to the drive wheels traction through a frequency Converter, the thrust of using energy only from the level of diesel synchronous generator on the drive wheels traction through a frequency Converter, run with simultaneous charge of energy storage, regenerative braking with simultaneous translation diesel at idle.


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