Analysis of schematics power sources of mutual traction load electromachines


  • А. М. Афанасов Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician Lazaryana, Ukraine



traction electric machine, testing, mutual loading, power source, transformer, rectifier, inverter


The problems of rational choice schematics sources of electrical and mechanical power supply systems for the mutual loading traction electric machines. The analysis of possible sources of technical performance voltage and current sources of mechanical torque and angular velocity. The analysis considered both static and rotating converters of electric power.

Rational use of alternative is proposed to determine the criteria such as: maximum energy efficiency of electric system load mutual; minimum capital expenditures for new or upgrading existing test stations; possibility of carrying out the program of acceptance testing of electric traction. Shown that rationality option that is selected is determined by the nominal values of traction electric cars that are tested and accepted scheme of their mutual loading. The possibility to select as a rational option sources of electric power rotating converters.

The analysis can be used in the design of stations for receiving and acceptance testing of electrical machines traction and multiple units of the main industrial and transport.

Author Biography

А. М. Афанасов, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician Lazaryana

Department of electrorolling stock of railways


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Electric Rolling Stock