The comparative analysis of the catenaries in the European union and Ukraine: The organization of a reliable current collection


  • В. Н. Яндович Odeska Railway, Ukraine
  • В. Г. Сиченко Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
  • А. В. Антонов Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



contact network, traction friction, high-speed motion, interoperability, europantograph


Introduction speed and high speed in railways is demanded solving a lot of scientific problems. There are creating a new contact line, providing reliability traction friction and compatibility systems for organization high speed in traction power supply. Comparing analyzes of using contact lines in countries of European Union and Ukraine are done in article. Study is provided in two areas. There are technical analysis of the design parameters and compare the existing regulatory framework. Characteristic features of contact lines in in countries of European Union and Ukraine was analyzed. Principal differences were founded and areas for further development were identified. Evaluation of the technical capabilities of existing contact lines to provide reliable traction friction in introduction high speed in railways was done. Existing contact lines which using in Ukrainian railways can be using for introduction high speed in railways after conducting the appropriate modernization. At the same time, we have to carry out work on the unification of domestic current collectors and current collectors elements to provide conditions for interoperability. Technical capabilities of the existing contact lines of Ukraine are insufficient for introduction high speed in railways. We have to do the necessary complex scientific and engineering research which will contribute improving the quality of traction friction.

Author Biographies

В. Н. Яндович, Odeska Railway

Pomichna Distance of Power Supply

В. Г. Сиченко, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

Department of Power supply of Railways

А. В. Антонов, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

Department of Power supply of Railways


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Power Supply