The scientific support of the development of the regulatory framework and solutions for the high-speed traffic in Russia




high speed movement, normative base, technological solutions


Government of the industry set the task of creating a national network of high-speed railways. Currently, the organization discusses the design and construction of the pilot site BCM-2 Moscow - Kazan. Determination of the main interrelated key parameters of the transport system, namely infrastructure and rolling stock is the first and crucial step in establishing the technical requirements for the subsystems SCM. The report looks at new objectives and tasks related to the development, research and design of infrastructure and rolling stock. Highlight key issues of interaction of subsystems SCM requiring research and testing. For rolling important determinant of the configuration of the train, and the resulting solutions marketing and technological challenges are, dimensions, weight train, length stops platforms, passenger capacity, acceleration during acceleration and deceleration under braking. If the implementation of these plans will begin as provided by the program, in 2013, the requirements for project technical standards and operational documents can be prepared and tested prior to commissioning of the first portion of SCM-2 in 2018. The program is currently established procedures aimed at harmonization of JSC "Russian Railways" and government organizations.


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