Electromagnetic processes in the DC electric traction system with overlapping or break electric locomotive’s roof insulator


  • П. Є. Михаліченко
  • М. О. Костін




electric traction system, electric rolling stock, traction substation, electric traction motor, mathematical model, short-circuit, insulator, magnetic flux transition, current transient


The malfunctions short circuit on электроподвижном composition is quite common and that is why the study of this process in the system of the electric traction DC is an urgent task. Especially it concerns such a regime, as overlap roof insulator of electric locomotive, because in this case at the same time short-circuit and power train and myself rolling stock. This mode is accompanied by a flow of current and is very dangerous for both subsystems.

The aim of the work is the research of electromagnetic processes and features of course of this regime. Find the most informative markers of this regime, will allow to differentiate it from other accidents.

A study of the short-circuit in the presence of two electric locomotives on the feeder zone was performed mathematical modeling. For this scheme was set up replacement of the system and for it is written system of equations of the electromagnetic status. The results of the simulation, it was established that in case of an emergency operation overlap roof insulator, the voltage of the electric locomotive is dramatically reduced, and the traction motors are moving in the generator mode. Generator current reaches the set point and protection of the electric locomotive works. In this mode the feeder currents of traction substations first escalate to dangerous levels, and then exponentially reduced to a steady-state value. Switching the processes of change of currents cause sharply dynamic nature of the fluctuations of voltage substation, maximum values of which considerably exceed the rated values.

The use of methods of mathematical modeling allows you to explore the processes in such a complex system as the system of the electric traction DC even with several electric locomotives. According to the results of studies identified features of transient electromagnetic variables in the system.


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Power Supply