Strategic objectives and priorities of economic development electrification and power supply


  • В. Ф. Максимчук



railways, electrification, aging equipment, modernization, repair, advanced technology


Railway electrification is a priority for the development of rail transport. In the current circumstances, one of the main problems of electrification and power supply management is the need to maintain the equipment in good working condition in fact "avalanche of aging" and reduce investment in the industry. These works are carried out in accordance with the "Program of modernization of electricity supply in 2012-2016". The main areas of work include: renovation and repair of infrastructure, improving the reliability of power supply, update contact system and traction substations. Of particular relevance of the above works started operating conditions become inter-regional trains. Execution of tasks is possible only with the use of specialized organizations and the application of new circuit design, materials and advanced technologies.


Максимчук, В. Ф. Электрификация железных дорог Украины: экономика, перспективы / В.Ф. Максимчук // Електрифікація транспорту. – 2012. – № 3. – С. 5-8.

Лагута, И. И. Сферы и направления инновационной деятельности хозяйства электрификации и электроснабжения Укрзализныци на ближайшие годы / И.И. Лагута // Електрифікація транспорту. – 2012. – № 3. – С. 67-70.

Максимчук, В.Ф. Електрифікація, як все починалось... / В.Ф. Максимчук, І.І. Лагута, В.Г. Сиче-нко // Електрифікація транспорту. – 2011. – № 1. – С. 5-9.


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Power Supply