Automatied workstation for calculating rational mode of traction power supply systems




power supply system, genetic algorithm, energy savings, the program complex


Improving the competitiveness and efficiency of railway transport of Ukraine is impossible without solving a number of priority issues, including: providing a rational railway technology taking into account energetic, economic and environmental criteria, infrastructure development for high-speed motion, improving consumption energy planning, the implementation of effective management at all levels of the production cycle. This list very important problem is energy saving in power supply traction systems.  This problem is complex, multi-level and multi-factor in nature.

The definition of rational modes of traction power supply DC systems has previously been performed without taking into account the realities of our time, when there is a market economy, there are different options for electricity payment (by flat-rate tariffs, differentiated tariffs or wholesale prices for electricity). Now, the energy component in the transportation tariff has reached 20%, and taking into account global trends will continue to rise. When making decisions in firstly we need to take into account not only technical indicators, but also economic (cost of electricity consumed).

The paper presents the principles of rational modes of the power supply systems. This make a basis for creation a monitoring system for ensuring the rational modes, which could for each time point evaluate the power supply system mode and propose the measures to ensure the most profitable mode. 

It's done the description of the specialized software that allows you to define rational modes of traction power supply system. The discussed program uses a genetic algorithm to determine the rational modes. This article contains screenshots of developed software.


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Power Supply