Results poster research slider municipal electric


  • В. А. Коваль



city electric, sliding contact, tribotechnics, electrical resistance, wear resistance


In one of the most common for municipal electric connections are moving sliding electrical contacts. Particular difficulty solving problems tribotechnical sliding electrical contacts caused by an electric current, which leads to an intensification of the conditions of external friction and wear. To ensure the reliability of sliding contacts urban electric demands placed on their physical and mechanical properties and tribotechnical. Based on the analysis of the literature [2-6] established that all known defects current collection element is the lack of physical and chemical interactions of the components of the material, which is a consequence of a high resistivity and low durability. Therefore, the paper suggests conducting bench research of new urban electric sliding contacts and comparing the values with serial contacts.

Studies have shown that the average specific wear inserts offered less for serial 1.7 ... 2.1 times. During the interaction with the proposed contact wire inserts its specific wear below 16.7 ... 33.3% compared to sliding contact with serial inserts. Water in sliding contact on the specific wear inserts proposed № 1-2 not significantly affected, while the value of depreciation serial inserts larger than proposed in 2 ... 3 times, and the supply of water in contact leads to a sharp increase in the value of wear. Contact electrical sliding contacts with proposed inserts № 1-2 compared to contact with serial inserts below 1.3 ... 1.9 times. Water in contact led to an increase in contact resistance, but the application of the proposed inserts it below 1.1 ... 1.4 times in comparison with the serial.


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Electric Rolling Stock