Russia railways electric railways overhead contact line catenary wire maintenance issues
railway, catenary, suspension cable, operation, failures.Abstract
Currently, the chain catenary, in its various versions, has received preferential use in railway electrification in the world. Despite the wide geographical distribution chain catenary is one of the weaknesses in the traction power supply. In default of any of its elements, the contact wire suspension cable, supporting and locking de-vices, supporting structures arises simple train, fraught significant economic costs. This is confirmed by the analysis of data on the number of violations of the normal operation of the contact network of electrified rail-ways of the Russian Federation. Of damaged wire catenary system from year to year is not reduced in spite of a number of measures taken by the Company "Russian Railways" to monitor their condition.
Intensification of heavy traffic and the development of high speed traffic in the Russian Federation in ac-cordance with the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Strategy in 2030 will cause serious prob-lems associated with the use of the existing electrified rail infrastructure. On the lines of heavy and high-speed reduction inter trains intervals and weight gain increases the train current loads, the catenary,and as a result in increased heating elements of the contact network. A significant part of electrical equipment is worn out by 60-70% or more.
Existing techniques to determine the heat of the traction current was developed in the 60's of the last cen-tury and is now mostly obsolete, because electrical, new materials with improved properties, modern computer technology allows for the mathematical calculations more accurate mathematical models. The use of these techniques for the design of modern systems of traction power supply is not permitted without substantial recy-cling in accordance with European standards. With insufficient this issue a number of problems for the introduc-tion of continuous monitoring and forecasting of the suspension cable catenary.
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