Features of accelerated movement on electrified railways in Ukraine


  • В. В. Божко
  • Д. О. Гордієнко




high-speed traffic, contact line, pantograph, runner, overall dimensions.


  In the article the features of the interaction of electric current collectors and contact network in areas with rapid movement of trains. Since the problem of electric power at high speed is quite complicated because of the need to maintain constant contact between the two flexible systems (pantograph and contact wire) with very different characteristics, as well as provide reduced wear on the friction surfaces and restrict their movement,  then the problem should be solved by using comprehensive approach and considering a system of "contact network - trolley" as a whole. Thus, the article analyzes the design features runners trolley trains manufactured by Hyundai. Peculiarities of the current collectors in terms of current collection, and from the point of view of dynamic interaction with the contact network.

The analysis of the geometrical parameters runners electric current collectors HRCS2, and options contact network in Ukraine, Russia and Germany for speeds of 160-200 km/h. The optimal position relative trolley contact wire, the options you contact network and electric current col-lectors for current collection at speeds till 160 km/h.


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Power Supply