Analysis methods of diagnosis and assessment of insulators contact systems




contact network, insulator, state, diagnosis, defect, porcelain, polymer.


To ensure stable operation of the power supply system of railways need a reliable isolation of the contact network in many years of service and a variety of atmospheric and climatic influences. Despite the fact that the number of failures is not very large compared to the total number of insulators on the railroad, but most of the-se failures occur due to the fault of workers power supply facilities. Among the reasons for failure to identify the main ones: breakdowns, floor, lowering the quality of Belleville porcelain insulator untimely identification and replacement of defective insulators, failure to meet regulations for transportation, unloading and storage, in-stallation of electrical insulators without previous testing; aging of polymeric insulators, poor conditions of insu-lators.
  The most common defect porcelain insulators are violations of the glaze, the corrosion of steel reinforce-ment, reducing the insulating properties, chips and cracks in the porcelain. For polymeric insulators character-ized Break adhesive bond between silicone ribs and backbone carrier, the emergence and development of par-tial discharges inside and canals branching structures, the formation of tracks on the outside of the contain-ment.
  The current system of diagnosing insulators has many disadvantages: low in-formative visual inspections and examinations due to the inability to identify the majority of causes of failures, lack of preventive measures to prevent and prevent NIJ outside of human influence in the work of the contact network devices, which mani-fests itself in the form of vandalism , the need for increased care and attention from the servicing personnel-is alive when using measuring devices, a low level of automation and mechanization. It is therefore a reasonable and economically relevant it is expedient to improve the system diagnosis. The analysis of currently existing methods for non-destructive testing of insulation and consider the singularity of their application in the contact networks of electric transport.
  It is noted that each of these methods has limited ability to detect defects in insulators, especially at the beginning of their origin. Measuring equipment for diagnosis, which are regulated by normative documents practically are not used due to the low efficiency.
  The high cost of modern technology diagnostic limits their widespread use of the railways of Ukraine. Analy-sis of the literature shows that the use of means and methods of nondestructive remote control allows the iso-lators to perform a qualitative diagnosis of isolators.
  To improve the use of average resource catenary insulators useful for further improvement of diagnostic UV method. Major obstacle to its use on the railway is a very high cost of foreign instruments. Therefore, the main task of solving this problem is the creation of the domestic UV flaw that would be easy to use and adapted for use in a laboratory car-contact system.


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Automation and Diagnose