The concept of a dynamic panel telesignalization




power supply system, signalsng, dynamic panels, monitoring.


  Power supply system is the most capital-intensive,technically complex, operated under severe conditions. Constant-ly being replaced equipment, upgrading suspension catenary for high speeds and loads, the updated traction substations and office partitioning introduces new remote control system and automation. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the number and duration of "windows" in the movement of trains, increasing the number of simultaneous teams, various contractors in the implementation of works on the reconstruction of the railway sector. The increase in the reconstruc-tion and repair of equipment electrical system causes an increase in pressure on energy dispatcher and, consequently, increases the likelihood of mistakes. The traditional way of presenting information is to use a shield signaling devices. The main advantage of the shield telesignalization simultaneous display of information on the objects for all objects en-ergy dispatcher circle. The main disadvantages associated with a large number of objects displayed on the panel.
  To solve this problem, conduct research to improve the management of operational work energy dispatcher under current conditions and the development of new technical solutions for the management energy dispatcher electricity. All this will allow for the efficient management and operation of the system to ensure the safe performance of work on the reconstruction of the power supply system.
  The development of computer technology allows you to make a number of adjustments to the structure of the exist-ing system of governance energy dispatcher circle. Modern automated systems can implement new technology work energy dispatcher that enhance productivity energy dispatcher and security for the operation of electric railways.
  The concept of a dynamic panel telesignalization will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of energy dispatcher use of modern equipment control tower. This approach makes it possible to continuously monitor the state of the power supply system as a whole and its individual components. This in turn enables accurate control of the operation of the system according to the criteria of maximum reliability and reduce electricity losses, provides a transition from planned maintenance to service as of traction substations equipment and contact network.


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Automation and Diagnose