Analysis of influence of sources of distributed generation of electrical construction and features virtual power
distributed generation, Smart Grid, avirtual power plant, integration, connection, alternative and renewable energy sources.Abstract
The article describes the features of the effect of distributed generation sources to the power grid, as well as features for virtual power plants on the basis of sources of distributed generation. Characterized intelligent net-works, identify key technological tools and the basic approaches to constructing them. The functional character-istics of networks, the development of which is stipulated by the concept of Smart Grid. The role of active user in the system. The characteristics of virtual power plants, their structure and working principles. Described the benefits of virtual power plants for power suppliers to network organizations, as well as for consumers. The positive effect of a virtual power plant to the consumer. The case of an emergency at one of the sources of electricity Virtual Power Plant. Analyzed the effect of distributed generation sources to distribution networks work in normal mode, and the changes that result from such a connection. Namely: the impact of distributed generation on voltage regulation, the impact of distributed generation sources for losses, the impact of distrib-uted generation sources to the higher harmonics. The reasons of the higher harmonics in power systems and generators of higher harmonics in the sources of distributed generation. The factors to consider when choosing the main equipment for virtual power plants, and the factors that determine the choice of the nominal voltage of virtual power plant. The peculiarities of the choice of the generator. The basic principles of coordination of the power equipment of virtual power plants. Characterized modular design of virtual power plants and shows its advantages. Describes the principle of parallel operation of generators virtual power plant with other power plants and distribution network, and cases in which such work is effective. The change of the electric network mode after connecting a virtual power plant. The main issues of integration of distributed energy generation to the grid. The features of circuits connected objects of distributed generation to the network, and the require-ments for interconnection of distributed generation components.
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