Calculation of the magnetic characteristics of the traction dc motor with combined excitation for trolley buses


  • І.О. Костенко Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after O. M. Beketov, Department of Electrotran-sport, Department of Power Supply and Electricity Consumption, Ukraine
  • В. Ф. Харченко Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after O. M. Beketov, Department of Electrotran-sport, Department of Power Supply and Electricity Consumption, Ukraine
  • М. В. Хворост Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after O. M. Beketov, Department of Electrotran-sport, Department of Power Supply and Electricity Consumption, Ukraine



magnet characteristics, trolleybus, combined excitation, finite element method


The purpose of the work is to create a method for calculating the magnetic characteristics of a traction motor with combined excitation based on the finite element method.

The methodology is based on conducting a set of digital experiments on the calculation of magnetic fields of a traction motor and their regression analysis.

Results: The dependences of successive and independent excitation anchor flows, as well as additional poles in relative units in the form of polynomial dependences, were obtained.

Scientific novelty: a new approach to determining the magnetic characteristics of the traction motors of DC of combined excitation is created, which takes into account the saturation of the elements of the magnetic system of the engine in all modes of operation.

Conclusions. A universal method for determining the magnetic characteristics of a traction motor of combined excitation has been developed. The feature of the technique is the following: the calculation of the magnetic field by the finite element method in the plane-parallel formulation of the problem; calculation of flows on the basis of the calculation of the magnetic field; Regression analysis of the results of digital experiments with the help of Chebyshev polynomials on a set of equidistant points; presentation of results in relative values.


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