Calculation of energy saving potential by controlling the flow of trains on the P-K section


  • В. Г. Кузнецов Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport Academician named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
  • А. В. Кравцов Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport Academician named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



traffic timetable, energy saving, traction power system, power losses, traction network


The paper analyzes the energy saving potential of the traction power system by adjusting the unevenness of the flow of trains for the electrified section. The comparison of two train schedules with different non-uniformity according to the criterion of electric power losses in the traction network is considered. Considered the current timetable of trains on the section of power supply. For the current timetable, the power losses in the traction network was calculated. An adjusted train timetable is proposed, in which the index of unevenness is smaller. The current and proposed timetable of trains is compared on the criterion of electric power losses in the traction network. The amount of electricity losses in the elements of the power supply system is a determining factor for assessing the efficiency of the power supply and electricity consumption processes in any power supply system. The coefficient of variation is proposed as an indicator of uneven flow of trains.

Reducing power losses in the traction network is possible by adjusting the traffic flow unevenness indicators. The less uneven flow of trains is the less electric power loss in the elements of the traction power system. It was proposed the corrected train flow timetable. It was established the boundaries of the technically accessible potential of energy saving in the traction power supply system due to the correction of the unevenness of the flow of trains on the electrified section. In current s working conditions, railways in Ukraine need to look for ways to save energy with minimal investment. By adjusting the uneven flow of trains, it's possible to  reduce the power losses in the traction network. Setting up energy saving potential allows you to plan the costs of energy-saving measures, rank them according to specified criteria, seek co-financing from financial institutions


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Energy Saving