The use of accumulator power station in the railway transport power supply system


  • Е. И. Сокол National Technical University “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”, Ukraine
  • В. В. Замаруев National Technical University “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”, Ukraine
  • В. В. Ивахно National Technical University “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”, Ukraine
  • Б. А. Стысло National Technical University “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”, Ukraine



railway, power quality, BESS, two channel power station, distributed energy system, low-pass filter, separated commutation, cell equalizing, power efficiency


The pulsating mode of the power consumption in the railroad power supply network is the cause of the occurrence of voltage pulsations in the contact network. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the energy system. To compensate power fluctuations in the electric power supply network of the railway, it is proposed to use hybrid electric energy storage devices. The use of two-channel additional traction power station with an appropriate control system was proposed. The basis of the mathematical model is the data of real measurements.

Author Biographies

Е. И. Сокол, National Technical University “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”

Department «Industrial and biomedical electronic»

В. В. Замаруев, National Technical University “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”

Department «Industrial and biomedical electronic»

В. В. Ивахно, National Technical University “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”

Department «Industrial and biomedical electronic»

Б. А. Стысло, National Technical University “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”

Department «Industrial and biomedical electronic»


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Power Supply