Increase of reliability of power supply systems as a component of the problem of optimization of power consumption regimes




power supply system, optimization, reliability, reliability diagram, damage, trouble-free operation.


Ensuring the reliability of electrical supply is one of the main tasks of efficient and safe operation of the power supply system of any power generating facility, as well as one of the components of the complex task of optimizing power consumption regimes. There are a number of methods for estimation the reliability of electric power systems. To estimate the reliability of complex power supply systems, we should give preference to logical-probabilistic methods. Such methods differ flexibility, visibility, accessible mathematical apparatus, which allows developing universal algorithms and computer programs. Thus, this article is devoted to estimating the reliability of a complex power supply system using the logic-probabilistic methods of calculation with the example of a large industrial enterprise.

Author Biographies

Ю. Л. Саєнко, SHEI «Pryazovsky State Technical University»

Department of Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems

Т. К. Бараненко, SHEI «Pryazovsky State Technical University»

Department of Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems


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Power Supply