Vector optimization in the conditions of motion of trains on chart in energyoptimal mode




chart of motion, mass of train, speed, functions of great number


organization of motion of trains on an energy optimal chart taking into ac-count a few conflicting with each other of factors and development of algorithm of her decision in modern terms.

The basic task of research is organization of motion of trains on an energy optimal chart taking into account the amount of trains on a feeder zone, longitudinal profile of way and mass of composition of train, and also technical speed of the following.

Motion of trains comes forward a research object on a chart taking into account a longitudinal profile.

The article of research is determining the optimal amount of trains on a feeder zone taking into account execution of train table, and also mass of train and rate of his movement.

A research method is to the theory of traction and function of great number.

A scientific novelty consists in the decision of task of vectorial optimization as it applies to organization of motion of trains on an energy optimal chart taking into account effective correlation of mass and speed, and also by the limit of amount of trains on a feeder zone. The necessary terms of decision of task of organization of motion of trains are got on an energy optimal chart taking into account a few parameters of vectorial optimization: the masses and rates of movement of train on energy optimal chart in modern terms.


Author Biographies

А. Ю. Папахов, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Department "Management of operational work"

Н. А. Логвинова, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Department "Management of operational work"

К. В. Матвиенко, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Department "Management of operational work"


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Energy Saving