Enhancing energy efficiency installations of railway transport based on technological approach





energy conservation, forecasting, technocenosis, rank analysis


The article considers the problems of efficient use of energy resources and outlines the main ways of energy saving in railway transport institutions. The question of application of the technocenological approach for optimal management of power consumption with the use of rank analysis, which includes procedures of interval estimation, parametric rationing, forecasting and standardization of consumption of resources is considered.

The paper presents an algorithm for conducting rank analysis for predicting power consumption and optimizing technocenoses. The practical example of technocenose optimization is presented and the rank-parametric distribution of technocenoses is shown on the parameter of electric consumption.

Author Biographies

С. П. Денисюк, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Department of Electro-Supply

B. І. Василенко, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Department of Electro-Supply


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Energy Saving